Iori Law

Discipline of the Professions of Professional Social-Pedagogical Educator, Professional Social-Health Educator and Pedagogist. (DDL 2443/2017 – the so-called “Iori Law” – partially implemented in the law 27.12.2017, n. 205)

The Socio-Pedagogical Professional Educator and the Pedagogist operate in the educational, training and pedagogical field, in relation to any activity carried out in a formal, non-formal and informal way, in the various phases of life, with a view to personal and social growth, according to the definitions contained in the art. 2 Legislative Decree 16.01.2013, n.13, pursuing the objectives of the European Strategy approved by the Lisbon European Council of 23 and 24 March 2000.

For further details, click on the attached file

DLL 2443/2017

DLL 2443/2017

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